Disadvantage compensation
ATTENTION: If you are already studying psychology at HU and want to apply for a disadvantage compensation with regard to your studies, please have a look here: https://www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/de/institut/organisation/pruefaus
As far as you intend to claim a disadvantage compensation with regard to the "Study Aptitude Test Bachelor Psychology of the DGPs" (BaPsy-DGPs), please note that the decision about a disadvantage compensation is made directly and by yourself by the Study Test Commission of the TransMIT Center for Scientific Psychological Services (DGPs). Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is not responsible in this respect.
Relevant information can be found in the FAQ of the TransMIT Center for Scientific-Psychological Services (DGPs) regarding the entry "Is compensation for a disadvantage granted?" as amended from time to time, as of 03/15/2023 as follows:
"If you suffer from a limitation that affects the completion of the BaPsy DGP, you may apply for disadvantage compensation. Content-related performance requirements are not reduced - a disadvantage compensation always refers only to the form of test taking.
To do this, send an informal letter to the ZwpD office, Haselbusch 4 a, 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg by April 01, 2023 at the latest. Explain how your impairment affects the test situation and enclose a specialist medical report no older than six months with your letter, which also contains a statement on the restriction and suggestions for appropriate compensation options. There is no entitlement to any particular form of compensation for disadvantage."