Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Lebenswissen­schaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Psychologie

Information on the internship 2021

Dear students,

On this page you will find all important information regarding the internship in the Master’s program according to the study regulations of June 21, 2021.


Table of Content


General Information
The Master’s program includes a compulsory internship, which should comprise a total of 150 hours.
For the completion of 150 hours, 5 ECTS are credited.
In addition, a two-page internship report must be written in order to complete Module 11.
The specific contents can be found in the study regulations. You can find the relevant excerpt here.


How do i find an internship?

Every student must look for an internship themselves. To do this, it is advisable to look for specific advertisements or to write unsolicited applications.

Current internship offers can be found in the central database of the Adlershof campus or in the student newsletter (register here). The “Fachschaftsinitiative Psychologie” also offers internship reports for inspiration on their moodle-page. There you can also find links to past career colloquia, which reflect experiences with specific internships.


What requirements must the internship position fulfill?

Internships can only be completed in institutions that also employ psychologists. It does not matter whether it is a company, a hospital or a counselling centre, for example. Internships must take place under the supervision of a person with a diploma or master's degree in psychology.


Can I also have an SHK position recognised as an internship

A student assistant position (SHK) can also be recognised if it meets the requirements (supervision by a person with a diploma or master's degree in psychology, institution in which psychologists are employed).


When do I do my internship?

The internship can be completed at any time during your studies. The ideal course of study is to complete it in the second semester.


Is the internship full-time or part-time?

The internship can be completed full-time or part-time as you wish.


How do I prepare the internship report?

The internship report comprises a total of 2 pages and is required for crediting module 11. Please use the template provided (internship report).

The complete internship report is submitted to the examination office as a separate PDF file together with the internship certificate.


How can I have my internship credited?

The following documents must be submitted to the examination office (in PDF format):

The submission can be made by e-mail, post or via the in-house mailbox (entrance area Rudower Chaussee 18).


What else is important?
  • The “Fachschaftsinitiative Psychologie” would be delighted if you could make your internship reports available so that future students can benefit from your experience. Simply send it to the administrators of the "Fachschaft Psychologie"-moodle page. They will upload it then.