Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Lebenswissen­schaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Psychologie

Master of Psychology

List of contents


What are goals of the study?

Students shall aquire empirical science skills in the field of psychology as well as a skill set to work scientifically on an individual basis. They apply practice-oriented questioning and will be qualificate to aquire a job in the whole field of empirical-practical and fundamental psychology.


Which focus areas can I choose?


interdisciplinary research fields of cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience, encompassing perception, attention, memory, decision making, thought, the formation of knowledge, language, consciousness, and other core domains and functions of human cognition

Psychology and Society

societal processes and interactions of individual differences and (sub)cultural diversity, influence of age and personality on changes in experience, behavior, capabilities, challenges, and needs

Work – Technology – Organisation.

safety, health and well-being of workers, mobility, leaderships and communication, human-machine-interaction as well as experience and behavior of humans in teams and organizations


For more information: Study and Examination Regulations


What are the requirements for degree?
  • Total: 120 credits
  • 95 credits in compulsory module, incl. 30 credits for master thesis
  • 15 credits in focal modules
  • 10 credits in interdisciplinary elective modules
What kind of modules are there?
CM: Compulsory Modules (95 credits)

CM 1: Psychological Methods and Assessment (10 credits)

CM 2: Work – Technology – Organisation (10 credits)

CM 3: Psychology & Society (10 credits)

CM 4: Fundaments of the Mind and Higher Cognition (10 credits)

CM 5: Clinical and Health Psychology (5 credits)

CM 6: Special Topics in Psychology (15 credits)

CM 11: Internship (Berufspraktikum) (5 credits)

CM 12: Final Module (30 credits)

FM: Focal Module (15 credits)

FM 7: Applied Methods and Diagnostics I: Neurocognition (15 credits)

FM 8: Applied Methods and Diagnostics II: Health, Work, and Development (15 credits)

FM 9: Applied Methods and Diagnostics III: Psychological Statistics and Diagnostic (15 credits)

FM: 10: Applied Methods and Diagnostics IV: Human-Technology Interaction (15 credits)


Interdisciplinary elective modules (10 credits)

Interdisciplinary elective modules are modules from other master programs of Humboldt-University Berlin or language courses. You can choose the courses at your convenience.


How to complete a module?

Participation in all courses + any (possible) additional requirements + final exam

additional requirements:

Group A (corresponds to 0.5 credit)

Group B (corresponds to 1 credit)

Group C (corresponds to 1,75 credits)

Group D (corresponds to 2 credits)

For further information please note Study and Examination Regulations

Module 6, 11 and 12 do not require a final exame


Which study course is recommended?

Course Master of Psychology

Specialisation WTO


My professional aim is Psychological Psychotherapist!