Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences - Personality development

Diary Study

The Berlin Diary Study – BDS

July 2005 – April 2008  

Prof. Dr. Jaap Denissen

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Data now available

This website is designed to provide free access to data derived from the Berlin Diary Study - BDS. To avoid overlapping publications, please notify us of any publication that is being prepared on the basis of the BDS. If this requirement is not met, neither the Humboldt University nor Prof. Dr. Jaap Denissen or Dipl.Psych. Anja Kühnel can be held accountable for violations of intellectual ownership (i.e., in case one tries to publish results that were already published in an earlier study using the same data). The only other precondition for the use of the data is the co-authorship of Prof. Dr. Jaap Denissen and Dipl. Psych. Anja Kühnel. The Berlin Diary Study conducted by Prof. Dr. Jaap Denissen is the world largest diary study. It contains data from over 3000 participants on a variety of psychological concepts.
- personality (Big Five)
- self esteem and self concept
- daily positive and negative affect
- daily contacts and conflicts with family members, friends and partner
- personal goals and effort to achieve them
- definition and evaluation of important life domains
- additional variables for example amount of sleep, leisure time or sports activities 

To enable researchers to use the data a detailed handbook is available. The handbook contains the test procedure, all collected variables along with their psychometric attributes.


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Publications based on the BDS