Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences - Department of Psychology

Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Elke van der Meer

Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Elke Meer
senior professor
vdMeer (at)

Visiting address
Rudower Chaussee 18 , Room 3'203
Phone number
(030) 2093-9390
(030) 2093-9361
Mailing address
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin


Visiting times:

Tuesdays 1.00pm to 2.00pm
or by appointment

Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth: 30.08.1951
Place of birth: Berlin, Germany

1. Academic Career

1970 - 1974 Psychology (Humboldt University at Berlin)


Graduation / Academic Degrees
1974 Diploma in Psychology
1979 PhD in Psychology
1983 Habilitation thesis in Psychology


Current Position
1993 Professor for Cognitive Psychology (Humboldt University at Berlin)
2006 Berlin Graduate School of Mind and Brain (Principal Investigator)
2007 Languages of Emotion Excellence Cluster (Principal Investigator)


Positions held
1974 – 1988 Research Assistant, Docent (Humboldt University at Berlin)
1983 Visiting Professorship at the University of Salzburg
1985 Visiting Professorship at the University of Bern
1988 – 1993 Professor for General Psychology (Humboldt University at Berlin)
1996 Visiting Professorship at the University of Heidelberg


Relevant International Research Experience
1974 Moscow State University
1979 University of Paris VIII
1981 University of Warszaw
1983 / 1985 see the above listed Visiting Professorships in Austria and Switzerland


Major Research Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
since 1991 Research grants (PROCOPE, DFG, BMBF, Industry)
1992 – 1993 Fellow of the Interdisciplinary Research Center Bielefeld


Membership and Further Activities

German Society for Psychology/ General Psychology Group (2000 – 2002 Member of the Executive Board) Cognitive Science Society (1999 – 2003 Member of the Advisory Board) European Society for Cognitive Psychology The Psychonomic Society International Society for the Study of Time

1997 President of the Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Germany
2002 President of the 43th Conference of German Society of Psychology
2004 – 2006 Head of the Department of Psychology (Humboldt University at Berlin)
2006 – 2008 Member of the Natural Sciences Faculty II (Humboldt University)
2005 - Member of the Berlin Senate Commission to Promote Young Scientists

2. Research

Focus Knowledge representation and higher cognitive processes (e.g., analogical reasoning, mathematical thinking)
  Emotional-cognitive interaction
  Individual differences
Approach Experimental approaches derived from Cognitive Psychology / Psychophysiology (reaction time, pupillary response, eye movements, electrodermal activity)
  Experimental approaches derived from Neuroscience (fMRT)

3. Teaching

  Cognitive Psychology: Learning, Memory, Emotion, Intelligence and Giftedness, Applied Cognitive Psychology
  Supervised Dissertations: 17
  Ongoing Dissertations: 13
