Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences - Department of Psychology


This site provides an overview of the projects that are currently carried out by our team, as well as of completed projects and the development of the Engineering Psychology at this institute.

Current projects



Completed projects





Development of Engineering Psychology


This professorship was arranged newly with the restructuring of the institute in 1992.

Engineering psychological investigations have a long tradition and are already carried out for years at the institute of psychology since the beginning of the 60´s.
Interests of research were for example the design of indicators and operational control elements or master displays in the process industry as well as in the central offices of traffic supervision and traffic control.


Since approximately 20 years problems in the field of software-ergonomics are investigated. In this context the human-computer- interaction – not only in industry, but in the service sector and in the private users sector – is increasingly examined.