Datafiles derived from the Pre-/Post-Test
Description of the datafile tbuch_items.sav
The datafile tbuch_items.sav contains items from the pre- and post-test.
The pre-test of the BDS consisted of three parts:
- The first part was designed to acquire demographic data from the
participants like age, sex, education, etc.
- The second part consisted of different questionnaires. At first the
subjects had to fill out a questionnaire regarding their medical
background followed by the Five Individual Reaction Norms Inventory -
FIRNI, Big Five Inventory - BFI , and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.
as a pre-test of medical, personality and self-esteem questionnaires,
- The last part is a predefinition of the idiosyncratic (person
centered) variables which should be used in the daily questionnaires.
The participants identified the family member and friend they recently
had most contact with, named their partner if they had one, and
answered questions about the relation to these persons.
Some data were not collected through the entire period during which the study was conducted. These data concerned life domains, goals, and certain self concept dimensions like civility or tolerance. Finally, the participants had to judge different self-concept dimensions according to the amount with which the dimensions are present in themselves, the relevance of the dimensions for their self-perception and for others.
The post-test contained the personality questionnaires from the pre-test (FIRNI, BFI) and the evaluation of the goals the participants had to name at the pre-test along with some questions about the subjective experience of taking part in the study like the amount of interference the study produced with daily life.
Description of the datafile tbuch_scales.sav
From the datafile tbuch_items.sav scales were built which can be found in the datafile tbuch_scales.sav
Datafiles derived from the Daily Diary Entries
Description of the datafile
The datafile tbuch_days_items.sav contains items from the daily diary entries.
The participants had to fill out 25 daily diary entries within 30 days. They could only fill out the daily questionnaire before going to bed (between 8p.m. and 4 a.m.) or as early as possible the next day (until 12 a.m.).
The daily questionnaire consisted of questions concerning the amount of written, phone and face-to-face contact the participants had with their identified family member, friend and partner and with other friends and family members. For the identified family member, friend and partner they had also to answer questions about the feelings they had in the contact and which topics of conflicts may have arisen (answers via check box).
Afterwards they filled out (in randomised order) an emotional questionnaire (including the PANAS), a short daily self-esteem questionnaire and answered questions about the activities of the day (time doing sport, amount of sleep, rating of routine of the day, etc.).
For certain (partly overlapping) periods of the study the participants also had to answer questions concerning success and difficulties in the defined life domains and goals along with the strategies to achieve the goals and what kind of impression they made on others on certain self concept dimensions.
Description of the datafile
From the items of the datafile tbuch_days_items.sav scales were built which can be found in the datafile tbuch_days_scales.sav
tbuch_items.sav (1,5
tbuch_scales.sav (1,1 MB),
tbuch_days_items.sav (10,9 MB), tbuch_days_scales.sav (4,9 MB)