Binocular rivalry and positive and negative facial affect
In this project, I am using binocular rivalry to study whether positive
facial expression stimuli enjoy dominance over negative facial
expression stimuli. I am also interested in studying factors that could
moderate this pattern of dominance.
Some well established facial processing models predict that negative
facial expressions grab attention better than positive facial
expressions (Hansen & Hansen, 1988; Öhman, 1986). Caccioppo et al’s
(e.g., Cacioppo & Berntson, 1994; Cacioppo, Gardner, &
Berntson, 1999) model of emotional stimuli processing agrees with this
prediction but only when the individual is highly threatened. At low
threat level, however, positive stimuli have a processing advantage
compared to negative stimuli. Yoon et al. (2009) found that happy faces
enjoyed greater dominance over disgusted faces, which supports the
Cacioppo et al. model. They conclude that this is strong evidence for
an evolutionary advantage for positive stimuli under low threat. I am
currently testing the other part of Cacioppo’s theory. As angry faces
engage the participants more because they contain an urgency to react
(high threat), they should dominate over happy faces. Furthermore, I am
investigating potential top-down moderator effects of mood on the
dominance period of emotional stimuli. For example, does an angry
face’s dominance increase when participants are in an anxious