Current projects
Prof. Dr. Ursula Hess:
Interaction Dynamics in EverydAy Life: From individual decisions to adaptive systems (IDEAL) (Grant proposal German Research Foundation (DFG) Excellence Initiative)
The functional equivalence hypothesis
The social signal function of emotions (in collaboration with Shlomo Hareli, University of Haifa)
Cultural factors that influence the perception of emotions
The perception of emotions shown by the elderlyThe impact of emotions in the organizational context
Dr. Ulrich Klocke
Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination
Interpersonal Liking, Dissent, and Opinion Exchange in Group Decision Making
Effects of Influence Tactics and Power Bases on Group Problem Solving
Environmental Attitudes and Behavior
Dr. Jens Nachtwei
Digital Era Evidence-based Psychological Research (deepR)
Dr. Annedore Schulze
Interpersonal and intercultural conflicts
Conflict management and innovation performance
Managing intercultural conflicts
Past projects
Affective judgment in spatial context
Affective empathy and terror management
Emotion perception bias in aggressive children
Effects of Influence Tactics and Power Bases on Group Problem Solving
Environmental attitudes and behavior
Benchmark für Assessment Center Diagnostik (BACDi)
Längsschnittstudie Entrepreneur Diagnostik (LED)
Slim-Line Assessment Center (SlimAC)
Macht- und Einflussprozesse ( Scholl, Klocke)
Gruppenforschung ( Scholl, Klocke)
Mobilitätsforschung ( Scholl, Bachmann, Klocke, Prasse)
The Discussion Coding System (Schermuly)
Forschungsprojekte, die unter Mitwirkung von Prof. i.R. Dr.Scholl fortgeführt werden, finden Sie auch hier.